Tuesday 23 December 2014


In my opening the boy will be shown but only for a short period of time. He is the only character i am going to use as the opening to be centred more on the genre and what is happening.

For my opening i need a young boy preferably with short hair. I fell it is easier to use my younger brother Tom.
Costume: When the shots are taken in the opening they are going to be very short shots and mainly close ups or extreme close ups of his face. Therefore costume isn't essential so just a coloured t-shirt is fine. Possibly cut at the top, to enhance the genre.

Actor Profile:
Name: Tom Cugnoni
Age: 10, born on 2nd November 2004
Gender: Male
Physicality: quite tall and a fairly skinny phisique
Why in this role: I feel it is easiest as he is my brother. I have conferred with him what i need him to do and he is all ok with it. In fairness, he hasn't got any previous acting skills, but suits the role well as I needed a child for it.

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