Tuesday 23 December 2014


In my opening the boy will be shown but only for a short period of time. He is the only character i am going to use as the opening to be centred more on the genre and what is happening.

For my opening i need a young boy preferably with short hair. I fell it is easier to use my younger brother Tom.
Costume: When the shots are taken in the opening they are going to be very short shots and mainly close ups or extreme close ups of his face. Therefore costume isn't essential so just a coloured t-shirt is fine. Possibly cut at the top, to enhance the genre.

Actor Profile:
Name: Tom Cugnoni
Age: 10, born on 2nd November 2004
Gender: Male
Physicality: quite tall and a fairly skinny phisique
Why in this role: I feel it is easiest as he is my brother. I have conferred with him what i need him to do and he is all ok with it. In fairness, he hasn't got any previous acting skills, but suits the role well as I needed a child for it.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Audience research

I asked many people, via Vox Pox videos and then I have edited them together to create a single video. With this research I can get an idea of peoples perceptions and what they think of topic around my film opening.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Prop List+ script

Props needed
- The derelict house
- Woodlands

- DSLR Video recorder to collect footage in opening
- Lighting to add when nesseccary
- Tri-pod to set the camcorder up

In terms of the script there is no diegetic sound in the opening of my film therefore the actor that I end up choosing wont require a script. The boy wont say anything during the opening minutes as if it did it would end the tension.



2- minute film opening: Target audience

The main target audience for my film would be around 16-30. This is because its a psychological thriller so isn't suitable for younger people to watch. The typical person who would watch this film would be a teenager who is into horror films. The sub genre of psychological may pose interest in what actually happens after the 2 minutes. Once my opening is finished it will be uploaded to YouTube and will be available on my blog and accessed on the internet.

Monday 8 December 2014

Location Research

Quite luckily in my village I have the perfect location setting to fit the genre. Behind my house in Ashwellthorpe there is a large woods. Therefore I can access it anytime I want. Also along the road from my house (400 meters) there is an old house which is abandoned on its own as the owner died. This could be used to great effect. Quite fortunately it is directly in front of the woods. I feel I can use these as a derelict house and vast woodlands are normally associated in horror especially. In the woods filming at dusk will great a scary and intimidating atmosphere. With the trees, paths (etc.)
The derelict house will probably wont be use loads however helps convey the scary/horror felling.

The lower woods is accessible to the public and covers a large area. Therefore I can get in a range of filming. I live to the bottom left in an old cottage in front of the woods.

Birds-eye-view of the Filming location

Photos of location- will follow in due course.


Friday 5 December 2014

2 minute opening in detail (extention of plot synopsis)

In the first 2-minutes not much is to be given away. The boy in the 2 minute opening is having a fear of what he can hear from the woods behind his house. This needs to be stated in my 2 minute opening and made apparent. At the start there needs to be an establishing shot. To meet the conventions the woods will create the horror atmosphere along with the derelict house. A droning noise should kick in to build suspense when in the woods . The interruptions occur with the sound troubling his mind. This is also where the credits hit the screen. Very short 1 second shots of his mind and face occur. This continues and it goes back to the boy and his emotion. (close up) More shots of the woods and movements happened in accordance. Then the noise occurs and we see the boy in bed, the screen goes fuzzed then the name appears.

This is an initial plan so may change as I develop my thoughts and add new parts in.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

The name of my Opening, thoughts and ideas

This a hard task, however I feel it is good to get down initial thoughts. Using the main topics associated with a psycho-horror Mind, Troma, Confusion and life Events and occurrence

The noise of life?, No escape, unknown but there, recurring noise of life

Coursework plot synopsis (development of idea's)

this is my initial plot synopsis of my film. These where read out randomly in class to get a brief view of everyone's thoughts and ideas. Then we got into small sub-groups to go through the synopsis, discuss and add any improvements.
Jamie's Feedback
- Sound should play a big part of the suspense- music maybe?
-Dialogue or not? No dialogue could work well (or a little dialogue)
-This is generally good, well-thought out and should be simple to execute. Establishing the genre will be achieved incredibly easily.
This activity has helped me develop my ideas on what the 2 minutes will ultimately include. The next step is to sort out 1. Cast (if needed in the actual 2 minutes) and 2. Audience and Location research. (I will use the location where I live Ashwellthorpe.)