Wednesday 28 January 2015


So.. today is the 27th January 2015. So far I have completed everything on the check list, the name and sound/noise. So now I just need to film and get the footage for my film
 so I can continue to edit.

Getting my filming dates sorted and thinking of the ident is the main objective for the next week or so. The filming dates are very flexible as my brother is available most of the time. ( I would just need an hour of his time or so) As I am filming at my house and in the woods I need to get a dusk/dark evening to film. Once I have a camera available I can film promptly.

Phil has finished filming and using the camera. So, by Friday (30th) I should be able to film during next week.

Today is 2nd Feburary and im going to get the camera and tripod so I am ready to film this week!

Monday 19 January 2015

Development of ideas

The noise, which is one of the main concepts in my opening is going to be a scream, the background to how this scream occurred is not known or given away in the opening but it is from one of the boys past experiences and troubles that is being recalled and haunting.. After long discussions and further thinking i feel this is the most effective for my film and genre. I can either record a real scream or find a scream online or within effects?

There are example on you tube but some are elongated too much, I need a short (3-4 second) scream.

Still to go before filming once I have a camera (next week)
- The name
-The ident ( not priority but essential)

I have asked many people for their suggestions to the name. I feel it needs to be a maximum of two words and doesn't need to be long. (horror films are never normally that long)

As for the film ident or production company logo, I may use my name, genre and take past.

The Name

I did a mind map of my thoughts.....
 I found that the definition of trauma is: a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event. So this relates perfectly to my film! Therefore I feel it should be included within the name. I asked Phil next to me who said 'secret silence' once I told him about my opening.
By doing these mind maps, which I have done throughout the planning, I can put down my thinking on paper and improve the initial ideas.
Trauma Reborn

Friday 16 January 2015

Next steps

As of today is the 16th January prior to filming I need to arrange the filming dates, the noise and the name (shown at the end) The dates for different parts of the opening are flexible as my brother is part of it. I just need a dusk/dark evening preferably at the weekend. Another issue is the film ident at the beginning which is a minor issue but is important to be included. I could use the one I made earlier on as a practice however isn't really appropriate. Therefore, I am going to create a new one.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Film thinking and evolution of idea's

I now need to think of the noise and name in my opening two minutes.

Recurring sound/noise of life?  audio unknown? Where my initial thoughts

However, I thought that I could get some suggestions from my family about the name and sound. It has proven difficult to  find the name, but will be associated with the noise and mind.

With the actual noise, a previous encounter by using a flash-back could be a possibility. For example an encounter in the woods. Possibley a friend being murdered or drawing. So a shout or noise that has stuck in the memory. 

Although this was a good suggestion, I only have 2 minutes and more importantly I don't want to give much away as well.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Initial StoryBoard and finished one

From this initial storyboard, I have added in a few extra's to complete the length of 2-minutes.
 I have been thinking about including a history to the noise happening, from his past experiences.

This is my final storyboard. I will use my story board to guide me when shooting the footage but may make fine adjustments while filming.

Although this is fairly unclear my teachers can confirm that i have produced it in class.