Wednesday 5 November 2014


Today we looked at some previous AS Media Studies student made film openings. There was a mixture of good and bad ones. This was just to give us students an idea of what to avoid and what to include in our own coursework to produce the best level (3-4) and grade. We could assess and analyse the openings using the mark scheme and previous own knowledge gained. This can also spark off  some ideas of  what we may want to do for our coursework.

Some of the best pieces we watched where of basic ability (not complex) simple footage, but done well at perfecting it using film language. For example a boy waking up and going through a morning routine.  This is a simple idea. Background music, filters, variety of camera angles, some dialogue and narration can be used to great effect to the audience. These student tended to get high grades and meet all the criteria for level 4.

We watched some poor low grade ones just to see what they had missed and why.  Some where over complicated and ambiguous. This lead to missing the concepts and mark scheme criteria. Eg. Shot timing, time issues or the actors are inexperienced etc. some fail to establish the genre and used no conventions to show it.

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