Friday 27 March 2015

Preliminary task

This is the preliminary exercise criteria from the mark scheme-

"continuity task involving and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule."

I worked in a group with Dylan, Jamie and Dan to complete this. We decided to choose the idea of a conversation between two characters, on  a basic scale with a guitar as a prop. It was our first real opportunity to use the cameras to film and then the editing software in post-production. Compared to my final video this is very basic.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Latest update

So it's half term!😀
BACKGROUND: the Deadline for the coursework was 13th March. But now it's actually the day we come back from half term.(13th April) As I had my geography trip where I missed a week of school, I had hardly anytime to finish. I did get an extension to the 20th and got a lot done. But, as the whole class hadn't finished we got a deadline change. Fourtunately, for me, I was very relieved. 

CURRENTLY: I have almost completed my 2 minute opening and have only 2 questions left in the evaluation. I transferred my video which I ordered in Adobe premier pro and then transferred to sirs Mac book on iMovie. Now to finalise I have recorded a scream for the end for sir to put in. Also just a few stabilisations of the shots to get the control needed. So all going well it should be finished by the end of half term. I am just editing a few of my evaluation questions currently and then i will complete questions 4 and 5 before the half term ends. the blog is pretty much there and just a few more regular updates along the way of evaluation planning and posting the relivant info. ( All the coursework, 50% of the AS is going to be marked after half term.)

REVISION: In the next few weeks leading up to the exam I'm going to be watching and practising questions for part A by watching TV drama and also going over the case studies in part A and practicing the key terms for the exam along with past paper questions (done in parts)