Tuesday 14 October 2014



The narrative is how the story is told essentially. This can be mixed up with the meaning of story which is the plot bassically. There are lots of narrative theorists.....

Todorov- He believed that a narrative should consist of a equilibrium. This means there is an equal balance of emotions and power as such(e.g. characters are happy in the scene) at the start of the film. Then there is a new equilibrium/ dis-equillibrium. This is where there is a disruption of the order of balance by an event. This happens in the middle. Then it is then restored at the end of the narrative.

Barthes- Barthes says that there are technical codes in a narrative to tell the story. For example sound, shot lengths, edit-lengths and camera angles. Also verbal codes, so what people say and symbolic codes too. For example a red rose may connote romance or love.

Propp- He says that there are certain character types and their roles within a narrative. This table (below) explains his theory. (a Picture in form of JPEG)

Beginning/middle/ end and Flashbacks/flashfowards
This is normally the main structure and easiest way to tell the story or express the plot in film. However there are extras that don't follow the beginning to end idea. flashbacks can show peoples feelings/experiences in the past but still be included in the film at different stages. 

Generic conventions

Generic Conventions
Space ship or outer space
Captain aliens
Saving human race
Haunted house
Fear of the unknown,
Cities, built up urban areas. Busy with people.
Hero, girl that gets taken, trouble maker.
Fast-paced, guns, fighting
Castle, grand house, cottage quaint surroundings
Princess, king, boys and girls. Mythical creatures
Exploration of a different or made-up world
America or abroad.
Boy and girl in love, annoying friend, parents too
On a romantic journey, certain events that occour. Happy ending
Where event has happened
Reporter, narrator and footage of people with interviews
Factual and informative to audience and interesting
Big urban cities
Everyday people
Tense atmosphere, quick and instant action all the time.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Proffesional film opening analysis Se7en, Opening 2 mins (horror/mystery/thriller)

This is a drama/thriller/mystery film. There is a constant tone and beat to the music that plays throughout and doesn't change only in last 10-30 seconds when the opening comes to a close. There are no characters to give anything away, therefore no dialogue. It is just weird shots of visual things on a bage and dull background. There is good use of sound fx, text